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All Journals: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAdam Kedik

The Show Must Go Wrong

March 6th-7th thoughts

From one of my favorite TV Shows (Parks and Recreation), comes one of my favorite quotes. Everything always goes wrong and you just have to deal with it.

Well, maybe not everything will go wrong.

As I have said before, I am a student advisor along with Megan Becker and Tatiana Anagnostopoulos. Tatiana runs the stage as our stage manager and Megan will run tech with me. Although we both contribute to our tech needs and what we work on varies year to year, usually Megan dominantly oversees audio needs while I specialize in lights. We all date back to around the same show, Mulan. Overtime, we went from running lighting boards and moving stage equipment to being in charge of the stage and in charge of lights. We became a well organized trio in a way. We worked very well together and made the shows run very smoothly. As cliche as this may be, we could not have done it without each other, you can not break up the trio. Sadly, with Tatiana being a senior, the trio will have to break up. And after working with these two hard working and kind individuals, I am melancholy when I think about all of us soon going our separate ways.

So what happens if you try and break up the trio? Well, it is time to find out.

On Wednesday, I am told that over 180 high schoolers were absent or were sent home before 1:00 due to sickness. The sickness, or what some like to call, "The Guilderland Plague" spread rapidly this year and seems to be going to the middle school too. But sadly it also has hit two of the three advisors. So, throughout the week, I have had to cover when either of them were absent. Luckily, since Tatiana is a senior, she currently has two freshman that are being trained to take over for her, Junior Advisors in a way. So this covers some of our stage needs. As I put extra focus into lights this year, that leaves most of audio to Megan, along with the help of Mrs Nichols, our Tech Faculty Advisor.

So what do I do with audio? Well this is where more issues arise. Our audio equipment is rented from a company, so when there are any issues, it can sometimes not be in our control. This year, our mics have been having an issue where they will cut out for no apparent reason. Some of this audio equipment is straight off of broadway and we pay a high price to rent for only two weeks, so when the equipment does not work, it can be very frustrating. With Mrs Nichols and an Audio Specialist that assists us with EQ and Voice Stabilization, We troubleshooted the equipment. Checking Frequencies, Mic wires, cables, the board, etc. Do not forget that while doing this, I am also running our lights and troubleshooting any light issues, examining light scenes, etc. So we came up blank.

Now, I am left writing a list of issues we face that I am sending to our producer so she can call our provider. and hoping that soon our Advisors feel better, and that I do not get sick either.

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After communicating with our provider and bringing them in to show them our issues, it turns out that we were given the wrong cables for our antennas that go to the stage. So, replacement of those cables will be simple, and all should work for the show on friday. Hopefully this solves all of our issues and the show, will hopefully run smoothly.

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