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A look inside my thoughts.

Below You will find my most recent journal along with a link to all my journals I write over the school year.
Please feel free to email me your thoughts on anthing within my journals!

Recent Journals: Welcome

"There's Theater In Life, Obviously, And There's Life In Theater"

Charlie Kaufman

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Recent Journals: CV

September 8th. 2018.

So Here We Are

First Initial Thoughts

After a long while of debating my topics, and finding meaning and motive, I now have a solid foundation on what my year long study will be about.

Over the summer, I had around 4 different projects that I was in between. As soon as I was set on one, it felt as though I would get into a cycle of choosing a topic, researching a great amount of it, creating a website, but then not being able to find meaning behind my topic. I directed my attention on topics that I could see as a future career, but that seemed hard to decide as I am still in my youth. It always confused me why we have to decide what we want to do in life before we even finished our brain development, but that is a discussion for another time.

So why did I choose the topic of lighting and behind the scenes?

Well, this all started before high school at FMS. I joined TV News at the middle school towards the end of 6th grade. Although I was not the most active nor the smartest member, I was very interested in being able to be apart of a production without having to be the one acting. Little did I know nor do others know how much goes into the behind the scenes of every broadcast. Over time I focused on learning he jobs around the set and getting to know the other student who also were interested in production. Although I never had what it took to be in front of the camera, I was able to learn the in and outs of what happens behind the scenes and talk to the teachers that worked behind the scenes as well, one of those teachers being Mrs Nichols.

I mean it when I say that I really do owe my start to her and those that were in TV News, they gave me a start that I did not know I wanted, but isn’t that how great opportunities come about, from luck? I remember hearing the quote that “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation”, and although I did not realize this at first it is true.

The luck: I find my future career.

The preparation: Being in TV News, and having an interest in behind the scenes

The opportunity: The need for extra  Tech Crew Members for the Middle School Musical.

In 7th grade, I was asked to fill out an application for Tech Crew by Mrs Nichols. Curious on what this was about, I went to an informational meeting and applied. My knowledge on the lighting team at the time was limited to controlling the strip lights at one concert. So for my first year, I controlled one of our new lighting systems, a rather complicated one, too. The following year, I returned as student lighting director, and worked closely with the director on lighting cues and scenes. In my freshman year, I returned as the lighting director, this time having a larger role and individually creating the light sets and training other middle school students on their individual lighting boards. This was probably my favorite year as I was complimented on capturing the essence of Oklahoma with my lights, giving it emotion and a western feel that brought it to life. Last year, I returned as the Co-Student Tech Director, training a middle school student who will eventually fill my shoes, I also spent more time fixing and programming lights, along with spending some time back stage with the Stage Crew members, also working on investments on different lights and audio, along with more trying to diversify myself in the theatre. This year when I return I hope to again focus on the lights, as I seemed to flourish the most. Other than smaller lighting projects along with photography, my main background comes from those months at the middle school. Not only getting to  learn more about our systems, but getting to teach the systems to others is a very rewarding experience.

This year my two electives also have to do with theatre: Screenwriting and Acting & Directing

One of my favorite things about working behind the scenes is how rewarding it truly is. There is a challenge everyday that will keep you on your toes, along with being able to be apart of the production without acting.

For my first SDA, I may do some research and an experiment to see which color of lights correspond to which emotion.

Now that I have my background out of the way, my next journal will hopefully be a bit more organized.

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