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All Journals: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAdam Kedik

SDA #1 Outline

Below I have an outline for an SDA which I hope to send out my first email tomorrow. I thought I would put this on my website for others to see and off feedback.

Proposal: Photograph two people of each gender with different color lights on them. Following the pictures, I want to send out a survey to see what emotions people feel when looking at the picture based on the lighting.

Purpose: To expand my knowledge of lighting and see if what science says about this lighting is true. Also to introduce everyone to show there is so much more to lighting than night and day.

Location: Pictures would most likely be at the middle school as I would be able to use equipment I am most familiar with and they would be open later, this would also get more people involved in the process helping improve the project and others to send the survey to.

Equipment: Spotlight at the FMS along with two volunteers who would allow me to use these pictures for my studies. They would also each need a black shirt and a white shirt.

Time: I hope to take these pictures on the 15th and then compile them together before the break and have a demo survey ready for feedback.

Colors: I would be going with the following colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Purple. Some of these colors occur in nature and represent background colors while others are more thematic, this will give me a large range of emotions to work with.

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