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All Journals: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureAdam Kedik

Journal II

Sunday October 28th, 2018.

I have been recently been thinking about an SDA that I hope to get done this week or the following. To establish a platform on which I can expand on, I believe that it would be a good idea for everyone to understand what lights correspond to what mood // setting // emotion and where certain lights are placed for what reason.

I recently had the great experience of helping Mr Maycock out with the high school’s lights, and I noticed some differences from the middle school. One unique piece of theatre is that no theatre is exactly the same. Whether it be for acoustics, budgets, or size restriction, every theatre is unique which makes every theatre different when it comes to lighting. At the middle school, because we are in an auditorium // cafeteria, many of the lights are set up every year and taken down by the end of the play. This has its benefits as it provides for easy customization when it comes to lighting parts of the stage or scenery and we can adapt every year. One con of this is not having a permanent set up which requires a lot of maintenance when it comes to wiring and finding a place to set up the lights.

Some light sets are more permanent like Stage // Strip Lights; these are the lights that you see directly above the stage that provides scene lighting(Night, Day, Indoors, Outdoors, etc.) and are like floodlights. A more customizable light that is well known would be a follow spot, this is what most people think of as a spotlight and is used to focus on a person or object on stage, these are mobile and customizable when it comes to color, intensity, etc. Another SDA that I would like to complete within the next week or two is showing basic controls on different light fixtures and their effects.

So Where Does This Leave Me Now?

Well, as I have found time throughout the week to just focus on my topic, my next step would be to send out an email to find volunteers who would be willing to be photographed in different lighting, and I believe creating a trifold board or binder with sections delegated to different lighting would be the best way to show the effects of different lights.

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